Team Opportunities

Since doing two services there are many ways for you to get involved in serving people. We believe that everything we do should be done with an excellent attitude and application.

On a Sunday there are serving opportunities in the following areas:

  • Cafe
  • LifeConnections (welcome and hospitality)
  • The Collective (sound, band, visuals & lighting)
  • Children’s work


During the week there are plenty of other opportunities as we prepare for and host events for our community
  • Lifehouse Chapel (Tuesdays, 1-3pm)
  • TotsLife (term time parent and toddler group)
  • LifePoint Outreach (Wednesday evenings, meal for homeless served in town)
  • Staff Volunteers on various days of the week ranging from pastoral work, house keeping duties, preparation for events, admin & hospitality.

For more specific information or to join the fantastic team please contact us.

Will you join something amazing this time?

For more info on all these opportunities just click the link and send us an email to register your interest.